Wee Cottage Lane Christmas

Wee Cottage Lane  Christmas
by Laura Pallatin of LaBelle Mariposa

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The book's almost ready!

I've completed all the edits and converted the .doc file to a pdf using lulu.com's system. Everything is ready accept... The cover. I made one but it won't work because the resolution is too low. Enter my ex-hubby and knight in shining armor! He's gonna re-do the whole thing for me and make it work. I can't wait to hold a copy in my hand! I'm not sure how long it's supposed to take, hopefully not too long!

Anyway, here's a pic of the cover that I made. It looks funny because it will wrap around the book, so the back is in the front. I hope all your creative projects are flowing nicely for you.


  1. Congratulations Laura! This is a tremendous accomplishment. I wish you great success!

  2. Bravo Laura pour ton ouvrage, c'est une belle façon d'amorcer une nouvelle année pleine de projets...
    So cut, petits piafs bleus !

  3. Wow Laura what a great and wonderful accomplishment. Well done! You are a woman with many talents and you are using all of them.
    Thank you for the visit to my blog and the comment you left. Will be back to see what you do next.
    Have a wonderful day!


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