Wee Cottage Lane Christmas

Wee Cottage Lane  Christmas
by Laura Pallatin of LaBelle Mariposa

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

2013 - So Far (my cool experience with a vision board)

Well, blogosphere! I guess it's been too long if I had to look up my password for this site! I'm writing now because I want to share the exciting year I've had so far! It all started last December when my boys were happily playing with their Christmas toys and Jim was enjoying a football game. I decided that this was the perfect time to sneak out an create a vision board for 2013. 

I left my happy home and went alone to a diner that I really like called the Diamond Springs Hotel. I took up residence in my favorite booth. (it's supposed to be haunted!) and I took out the supplies I would need to create my vision board including a sketch book, set of colored pencils, and an eraser. I chatted with the owner and let her know that I would be camping for a bit, to make sure that was okay. She was fine with it. :) 

I began making a list of all the activities and goals I wanted for 2013 on a paper napkin. Once I was happy with my list, I began drawing pictures on my vision board to represent all the things I was dreaming of for 2013. I didn't want this to become about making perfect pictures, so I did it quickly and only allowed myself the pencils to finish the project. 

When I got home, I placed my vision board in my art studio area (our family dining room) so that I could see it every day. The result of this project has been such a powerful experience that I'm excited to share it with you. Many, many things have come to pass that I first put down on that vision board. Some, like belly dancing and making more art were within my control and I feel that having a visual reminder of those things helped me bring them into my life. However, other things on my board have come which were entirely out of my control, and long waited for. This isn't a magic project, it's just a tool which helps us keep our priorities in mind. Much like a company has a mission statement and a five year plan, it makes sense for us to put thought into what we WANT in our lives. 

There are still a few things to look forward to and I'm really excited to see how the rest of the year turns out. I bet Jim will be tagging along this year when I make my new board to make sure he gets his priorities on there, too! 

I've helped a couple of other people to do boards of their own, and they've had amazing results as well. I would like to encourage you to give this a try. If you have any questions, please drop me a note, and I'll be happy to help you with yours, too.

Laura P.

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